My perfect winter wonderland

An ideal winter wonderland would be in a clearing in the middle of an evergreen woods. Everything would be coated in a thick layer of snow. Not the slushy half melted snow that gets your socks wet, the thick unmelted snow that you can lie down in and stand up perfectly dry. The surrounding forest would be full of friendly animals and I don’t just mean squirrels and rabbits, I mean grey wolves and deer and bears. All the big huggable looking animals that are usually dangerous to approach. In the middle of the clearing there would be a large pond full of fish that is always frozen with thick enough ice to skate on but still clear enough that you can see through to the unfrozen water and fish beneath. There would be a swing hanging from the branch of one tree and a hammock on the branch of another. Fairy lights would be intertwined in the trees and around the rope on the swing and hammock.

Just off to the edge of the clearing would be a small single room log cabin with a fireplace and a big couch. Next to the couch there would be a wooden chest full of soft blankets and pillows, perfect for building a blanket fort or just piling onto the couch to sleep. The cabin would have a wood fire oven and a fully stocked pantry ready for any baking you might feel like doing. There wouldn’t be a fridge, instead you put anything that needs to be kept cool in a small shed attached to the side of the cabin where everything is kept cool by the snow outside. Also beside the cabin would be a vegetable garden with vegetables that can survive through the cold, like cabbage, leeks, and parsnips. The inner sides of the cabin would be lined with shelves full of plates, kettles, pie dishes, and anything else you might need for cooking. There would be hot chocolate powder, tea bags, and an espresso machine for when you come in from the cold and need warming up. The whole place would just be a mixture of warmth and softness to contrast with the cold sharpness of the clearing.

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Zara – this is a very warm piece of writing. You have created a lovely, homely environment. Just a couple of small points to consider.
Paragraph one
– Read your first sentence … the ‘an’ from ‘in the middle of an’ implies you are talking about something singular. It’s followed by ‘woods’ which is a singular collective of trees. Try to re-write this sentence to remove this disconnect.
– I love the way you refer to the animals and I know exactly what you want in your perfect day. You could, however, make this section more evocative by describing the animals, or the movement of the animals, with more evocative word choices.
– ‘fairy lights intertwined’ evokes a mood – well done. This final sentence would have more impact if you could avoid repeating ‘swing and hammock’ – try to find another way to say the second one.
Paragraph 2
– Another example of repetition of phrase – this time ‘there would be’ features in your first and second sentence. Try to rephrase the second one.
– Your specific (and homely) details really help to create the mood here – well done.

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